Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Two Asante Events in Alaska Worth Attending

1.  April 10, 11:00 am -- I will be presenting a slide-show and talk on my trip to Tanzania for Asante.  The talk will be at my church -- Our Redeemer Lutheran Church -- in Chugiak.  The talk will be about an hour.  My church has been very supportive of Asante, especially with respect to the secondary school in Ketumbeine.  Everyone is welcome . . . please tell your friends!

2.  May 7, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm -- Mother's Day Bazaar at Egan Center.  Asante will have a couple of booths at the bazaar; I will be displaying and selling everything we carry -- baskets, batik art, batik clothing and bags, Maasai beadwork, carvings, etc.  Come one, come all.  In addition to the crafts, I'll have a continuous slide show on my computer for attendees of the bazaar to see as they shop the crafts.  Please let all your friends know that Saturday, May 7 will be a wonderful opportunity to purchase these beautiful products, made by the women you have already come to know through my posts.

3.  I am always ready and eager to be a speaker about Asante.  If you are a member of an organization, or know of someone who is, and are looking for a program for a future meeting -- call me!  The women's stories are so inspiring and Asante's support of these women really make for a great program!   Thanks so much.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Photos for Minjingu Primary School Latrine Project

So, I have finished one more album.  This one is to accompany the report I wrote on the Minjingu Primary School Latrine project.  The name of the post was 'A Tale of Generosity, Greed and Corruption".

It is magnificent here in Chugiak.  A friend and I climbed Bear Mtn. up behind my house, on Friday.  Talk about breath-taking!  Full sunshine, lots of lovely snow, great companionship, laughter, sandwichs and Alaskan Winter Ale for lunch, and then sliding down through the snow chutes on our derrieres to speed our descent.  All in all, a perfect day.

To view the photos, click here.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome to the World of the Techie Illiterate!

Now that I have send a few links to photos which didn't actually act as links, my wonderful son has taught me how to send a link that works as a link.  Let's see if I can do it!

Here's a link to the photos of our micro-loan recipients and their various projects.  Click here to view the picasa web album. 

If this doesn't work, I will be humiliated publicly, but will keep trying.  Faustin says we need to always continue trying new things, so to keep the brain flexible and plastic (meaning malleable and open to new learning). 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New photos

Here is the link to a few of the photos of the micro-loan recipients.  A couple of them might be duplicates in another posting of photos . . . sorry about that.

I get so inspired when I look at the photos and remember the courage, discipline, and motivation of our micro-loan recipients.  If you want to review the information, see the post entitled Mwika for the story of Mama Irene and Glory; Mama Light and Rhodaness' stories are in later posts.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Photos for Lambo School Lunch Project

Here is the link to the picasa web album for the School Lunch program at Lambo Estate.
https://picasaweb.google.com/lwddya/LamboSchoolLunch?feat=directlink  I don't know why it doesn't seem to be an active link; but copying it and pasting it into the address bar seems to work just fine.   The post describing the school and village were written February 12; the part about Lambo is paragraph 7 on that day.  Sorry this is a little out of sequence, but I wanted to get this report and web album finished, so that Glenn, who donated the money for the school lunch program could see the results of his generosity.

It's cold here in Chugiak -- we have had a north wind blowing steadily for several days, and gusting up to 25 - 30 mph.  I had to dig my snow-blower out of the snow drifts so that I could try and clear the driveway before it drifted my garage door shut!  But the sun is shining and the skies are clear, crystalline blue and spring is on its way.  We are gaining almost 7 minutes a day of light now, which adds up to almost an hour gain every week! 

My jet lag and my illness seem to be dissipating, but progress is slower than I would like.  I imagine that the culture shock, the cold, and the alone-ness of being home all have something to do with how I'm feeling.  Fortunately I am blessed with good friends who have insisted that I go for walks with them and get back into attending Bible studies and bell choir rehearsals.  

Next up will be photos of the other school projects Asante is either sponsoring or administering.  Hope you are all enjoying your days.