Here is the link to the picasa web album for the School Lunch program at Lambo Estate. I don't know why it doesn't seem to be an active link; but copying it and pasting it into the address bar seems to work just fine. The post describing the school and village were written February 12; the part about Lambo is paragraph 7 on that day. Sorry this is a little out of sequence, but I wanted to get this report and web album finished, so that Glenn, who donated the money for the school lunch program could see the results of his generosity.
It's cold here in Chugiak -- we have had a north wind blowing steadily for several days, and gusting up to 25 - 30 mph. I had to dig my snow-blower out of the snow drifts so that I could try and clear the driveway before it drifted my garage door shut! But the sun is shining and the skies are clear, crystalline blue and spring is on its way. We are gaining almost 7 minutes a day of light now, which adds up to almost an hour gain every week!
My jet lag and my illness seem to be dissipating, but progress is slower than I would like. I imagine that the culture shock, the cold, and the alone-ness of being home all have something to do with how I'm feeling. Fortunately I am blessed with good friends who have insisted that I go for walks with them and get back into attending Bible studies and bell choir rehearsals.
Next up will be photos of the other school projects Asante is either sponsoring or administering. Hope you are all enjoying your days.
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