Hi everyone,
Here is the first batch of photos. Actually, here's the link to the Picasa web album. Unfortunately, my camera battery quit on me at Ketumbeine Secondary School, so I have limited photos of the school, and none of the camel project or the actual celebration of the house blessing.
Once Kathy and Stan have recovered from their long fight home, I'm hoping they will send me copies of their photos; when they do, I will include some more photos of Ketumbeine.
I am actually feeling as if I might live through the exhaustion, jet lag and illness! My immediate thoughts on what I'm thankful for now that I'm home -- drinking water straight from the tap, consistent electricity, hot water in the shower, my own bed, seeing my friends.
What do I miss most from Tanzania -- Janet, Julie and their families; fresh mangoes, pineapple, bananas, and avocados; actually, all the fresh fruits and veggies; the color, noise and vibrancy of the daily market in Moshi; the immediacy of birth, life and death (which we in this country tend to isolate ourselves from); the sunshine; the red earth; the tinge of smoke in the air from the cooking fires; seeing Mt. Kilimanjaro every day.
I don't think I mentioned in any of my posts how amazing it was to attend church in Moshi. The church was full -- approximately 1200 people -- and even though the whole service was in Swahili, I could recognize portions of the Lutheran liturgy and some of the hymns. It was really quite moving to join with people half-way around the world who are of the same faith and who praise and worship God in their own wonderful way. Their choir was fabulous -- we could use those singers in Chugiak, that's for sure!
That's all for right now; it's back to writing up reports for Asante. Enjoy your day; call a friend and go for a walk together; call a family member or two and tell them how much you love them.
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