Sunday, March 6, 2011

Welcome to the World of the Techie Illiterate!

Now that I have send a few links to photos which didn't actually act as links, my wonderful son has taught me how to send a link that works as a link.  Let's see if I can do it!

Here's a link to the photos of our micro-loan recipients and their various projects.  Click here to view the picasa web album. 

If this doesn't work, I will be humiliated publicly, but will keep trying.  Faustin says we need to always continue trying new things, so to keep the brain flexible and plastic (meaning malleable and open to new learning). 


  1. Works Great. No humiliation today.

  2. Beautiful photos of a highly productive time.....

  3. You've got it! Glad to see you've continued the blogging.
